Order native trees now for Tennessee Tree Day

Statewide Volunteer Effort Enhances the Beauty and Ecology of Our State


Tennessee residents are invited to beautify their properties and their communities by planting trees on “Tennessee Tree Day,” March 20, 2021. The effort is organized every year by the Tennessee Environmental Council, a non-profit organization based in Nashville. This event typically draws thousands of volunteers who plant tens of thousands of trees at their homes, farms, businesses, neighborhoods, and other locations of their choosing.


Trees may be reserved at TEC’s website, www.tectn.org/TennesseeTreeDay2021, now through March 7th. Participants are asked to make a suggested donation of $1.99 for every tree they reserve for planting on March 20th.


The goal of this annual effort is to maintain a healthy tree canopy in communities across Tennessee. Native tree species available include bald cypress, eastern redbud, northern red oak, white oak, pecan, shortleaf pine, red mulberry, silky dogwood, tulip poplar, sweetgum, wild plum, and buttonbush.


Lawrence County’s pickup location is Craig Manufacturing, located in the Team Lawrence Commerce Park just north of Lawrenceburg’s city limits. Trees can be picked up Friday, March 19 from 10 a.m. to noon and Saturday, March 20, 9 a.m. to noon.