Can good news get better every time you tell it?
That’s the question I asked last year when I wrote about the Give a Kid a Chance (GAKAC) program for the fourth time.
For the fifth time, the answer is yes. Especially when the news is about a program that involves people giving time and resources to help kids whose families need a little extra help.
Almost 750 Lawrence County public and private school students will receive a backpack full of school supplies, a Bible, a new pair of shoes, a haircut, health and vision screenings, and a free lunch at the GAKAC event at Lawrence County High School July 31. Recipients, who range from kindergarten through 12th grade, registered for the program at their schools.
“Our goal is for children to be able to go back to school with confidence and the supplies they need to be successful at school and ultimately successful in life,” said Administrator Christina Hobbs.
“Most importantly we pray we can plant a seed of faith in their heart that will hopefully grow, allowing students and parents alike to feel the love of God and see God through our community uniting together for the benefit of those in need.”
Hobbs was involved in GAKAC programs outside Lawrence County and helped get it started here in 2017. That year it served 280 from Loretto High School, Leoma and South Lawrence Elementary schools. Lawrenceburg Public, New Prospect, and David Crockett Elementary were added the following year, and 420 were served. The program went county-wide in 2019 and served 700. The “drive-through” model in 2020 saw fewer participants – 542 – but this year’s numbers are the highest ever.
How does all this come together? Individuals, churches, and community organizations across the county are generous with their time and money. Professionals donate their skills to provide haircuts and conduct screenings. Other volunteers prepare lunch, provide entertainment, and make sure everyone gets where they need to go at the GAKAC event.
Because more students are being served, Give a Kid a Chance is in need of additional help in the form of monetary donations. Many of the items are being purchased to take advantage of bulk discounts; and to ensure uniformity and age-appropriateness. Hobbs estimates the total cost this year at $55,000.
To learn more about how you can help, please email or, visit, find GAKAC Lawrence County on Facebook, or call 931-242-1795.