Time, the greatest gift

When you make a list of blessings, do you ever count “time?”

Time is the foundation for every other gift in our lives. Each day we’re blessed with new hours to enjoy our families, friends, homes, jobs, and every other large and small thing that make up our lives.

When we give our time to others, the blessings are multiplied. On Tuesday I helped Lawrence County’s MyRide program celebrate its third anniversary and the 3,500 rides volunteers have provided to seniors who can no longer drive.

Lawrence County has over 11,000 residents who are over 60, myself included, and the number is expected to increase by 20% over the next decade. Since most people outlive their driving ability by seven to ten years, it’s easy to see why the MyRide program will continue to grow.

With that comes the need for more volunteers: drivers with clean records and good vehicles willing to take seniors to destinations within Lawrence County. The program provides additional insurance on drivers and if needed, can offer reimbursement for mileage.

Riders must be able to walk on their own or with a cane or walker. Drivers provide extra support and one-on-one attention that other transportation services cannot. Requests for rides are posted online so drivers can view them and accept assignments that fit their schedules.

Seniors who no longer drive suffer from postponed health care, poor nutrition, and isolation. They make 15% fewer trips to doctors; 59% fewer trips to shop or eat out; and 65% fewer trips to visit friends and family. With the gift of just a few hours a month, you can make a real difference in someone’s life.

To learn more, visit MyRide Lawrence on Facebook or call MyRide Director Kelli Gibbs at 931-244-7433.