September 27 meeting will be first for new Commissioners, County Exec

County Executive David Morgan and eight new County Commissioners, all elected to their first four-year term August 4, will participate in their first full Commission meeting Tuesday, September 27.

Morgan, along with a total of 18 Commissioners, took the oath of office September 1.

New Commissioners are: Barry Luffman, District 2; Roy D. Hagan, District 4; Chris Sutherland, District 6; Travis Cauwels, District 7; Dave Ray, District 13; Sandy Newton, District 14; Tim Clifton, District 17; and Will Burnett, District 18.

Returning Commissioners are Wayne Yocom, District 1; Denny Gillespie, District 3; John Bradley, District 5; Ricky Skillington, District 8; Randy Brewer, District 9; Delano Benefield, District 10; Scott Franks, District 11; Phillip Heatherly, District 12; and Tammy Wisdom, District 15.

On September 27 Commissioners will elect a Chairman, whose duty is to conduct Commission meetings, and a Chairman Pro Tem, who conducts meetings in the Chair’s absence. Former County Executive T.R. Williams served as Chair for his entire tenure in office.

Also on the agenda is approval of committee assignments proposed by County Executive Morgan. Committees are established to explore, discuss, and approve subjects before they go to the Commission as a whole.

Committees include Animal Welfare; Audit; Beer Board; Budget; Delinquent Property Tax Sales; Economic Development, Tourism, and Nonprofit; Facilities and Property; Grievance, Highway; Human Resources, Purchasing; Resolution; School Board Liaison; Solid Waste; technology; Utilities and Energy Efficiency; Workplace Safety; Property Development and Codes; and Emergency Services.

Some matters go through two or even three committees before they end up on a Commission meeting agenda. A proposal to spend additional money on roads, for instance, would first need approval by the Highway, then Budget Committees.

The September 27 agenda also includes election of the County Attorney, annual appointment of Teresa Purcell of Director of Accounts & Budgets, and Brandi Williams as Purchasing Agent.

Speed limit changes are proposed for two county roads: Richardson Road to 35 mph, and Paige Road to 15 mph.

The meeting will be held in the Commission meeting room at the Lawrence County Courthouse at 5 p.m. The public is welcome to attend.