Special Session is December 20

The Lawrence County Commission will meet in Special Session Tuesday, December 20 at 5 p.m. in Courtroom A of the Lawrence County Courthouse to consider the following Resolutions:


  1. Resolution No. 2022122001

            Resolution to Approve Columbia State Community College Lease for a Term from January 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024

            Sponsor: David Morgan


  1. Resolution No. 2022122002

            Resolution to appoint Brandi Williams as Interim Director of Accounts and Budgets.

            Sponsor:  David Morgan


  1. Resolution No. 2022122003

            Resolution to approve an increase in transportation fees charged by Lawrence County Emergency Medical Services.

            Sponsor:  Budget Committee and Emergency Services Committee


  1. Resolution No. 2022122004

            Resolution to approve a $4.00 per hour wage increase for non-salaried full and part time employees of Lawrence County Emergency Services.

            Sponsor:  Budget Committee and Emergency Services Committee


The Public is welcome to attend