It is amazing to me that my one-year anniversary in this office is less than one month away.
The past 11 months have been an intense and deep learning experience for me, and I know I have much more to learn. That’s why I’m taking every opportunity I can to acquire the knowledge and develop the skill set necessary to see LawCo progress in a positive and productive way.
Early last week I attended the 2023 National Association of Counties (NACo) Conference & Expo in Austin, Texas. NACo is about taking action to influence federal policy that directly affects County government. It’s also about building relationships and learning from others about best practices nationwide.
I’m proud to be nominated to serve on organizations within NACo that are important to you, my constituents: the National Agriculture Committee, the Rural Action Caucus, and the Commission on Health and Wellbeing.
The National Agriculture Committee will allow me to represent LawCo and Tennessee farmers’ interests at the Federal level. Agriculture is the biggest business in our county, and near to my heart as a first-generation farmer. As part of this committee, I can advocate for our farmers on subjects like the national Farm Bill and learn about solutions that work in other areas.
The Rural Action Caucus addresses infrastructure development, broadband deployment, rural health care facilities, road and bridge construction and maintenance, and business development opportunities. All these subjects deeply affect our lives in Lawrence County.
The Commission on Health and Wellbeing includes mental health, a topic of growing concern across the country. It’s of special interest to me because of my focus on substance abuse disorder and my work at 8Oaks Recovery Center. For most people, substance abuse is a way to self-medicate mental health problems.
More than ever, our schools, first responders, libraries, hospitals, courts, and law enforcement are on the front line of mental health care. Because counties are now an integral part of the mental health system, we have a place in any discussion about efforts to improve it on a national and state level.
I was especially honored to represent Tennessee at the convention of state delegates during the election of NACo’s next 2nd Vice President. David Connor, the Executive Director of TCSA (Tennessee County Services Association) requested that I serve in that role.
Thank you for allowing me to serve as your County Executive and be part of the effort to make this an even better place to live.