by David Morgan, Lawrence County Executive I hope you are already aware of the call for prayer and fasting in Tennessee during July, issued by Governor
by David Morgan, Lawrence County Executive I hope you are already aware of the call for prayer and fasting in Tennessee during July, issued by Governor
by David Morgan, Lawrence County Executive If you love the thrill of demolition derbies and jump ‘n’ run events, I have some good news for you.
by David Morgan, Lawrence County Executive Tomorrow, we celebrate the 246th anniversary of our Declaration of Independence from Great Britain, a document that launched the Revolutionary
by David Morgan, Lawrence County Executive I am glad to report that the Commission’s Facilities Committee voted unanimously last Tuesday night to approve the purchase of
by David Morgan, Lawrence County Executive I grew up in a single-income family with six kids, so we weren’t rich by any means. Still, we were
by David Morgan, Lawrence County Executive In our ever-changing world, familiar words often take on new meanings. “Silo,” which we know as a place to store
by David Morgan, Lawrence County Executive It was an honor to join Governor Bill Lee when he visited the Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce and downtown
by David Morgan, Lawrence County Executive Today I want to thank and congratulate Lawrence County’s paid and unpaid First Responders and other local agencies honored by
by David Morgan, Lawrence County Executive We are getting serious about litter, but there’s no reason we can’t have a little fun along the way. Many
by David Morgan, Lawrence County Executive Every local government struggles with big issues that have no easy answers. Animal control is a good example. Because animal