Lawrence County will not discriminate on the basis of disability against qualified persons with disabilities in its services, programs, activities, or in its hiring and employment practices. Upon request, it generally will provide appropriate responses for qualified persons with disabilities so they can communicate and participate equally in the County’s programs, services, and activities. Appropriate responses include providing sign language interpreters, documents in Braille and other ways of making communication accessible to people who have speech, hearing or vision impairments.
The Act does not require actions that would fundamentally alter the County’s programs or services or that impose an undue financial or administrative burden; however, the County will make reasonable changes to its policies and programs to ensure qualified persons with disabilities have equal opportunity for its services, programs, and activities. For example, although pets are prohibited at their facilities, well-behaved service animals are welcome.
Requests for accommodation should allow for sufficient time to provide it. The County does not surcharge any person or group for the cost of providing appropriate auxiliary aids or services, or for reasonable modifications of its policies.
To request an accommodation, make a suggestion or complaint regarding inaccessible programs, services or activities, please use the forms below or by contact Lawrence County’s ADA Coordinator, Brandi Dean Williams, at 931-766-4193.
If you have encountered a situation in the court system, please contact ADA Coordinator, Kristy Gang at 931-766-4142.
ADA Accommodations Request Form
ADA Notice and Grievance Procedure
To view the Lawrence County ADA Self-Evaluation Report, click below: