Accounts and Budgets

Duties of the Department

The Department of Accounts and Budgets is to provide budgeting, accounting, transaction, and quality financial expertise and information to elected officials, staff, other stakeholders, and citizens of Lawrence County in compliance with legal requirements and policies so that they can consistently and responsively meet their financial management needs.

Bond Rating

Lawrence County’s credit ratings is an A+, which distinguishes Lawrence County as one of the most financially secure investments in Tennessee.

Additional Information

The Department of Accounts and Budgets is established by the County Fiscal Procedure Law of 1957 (TCA 5-13-101 et seq.) to set up and maintain a system of fiscal procedures, controls, and accounting in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for governments, and to facilitate the preparation and maintenance of the budget.

The fiscal year used by the county for budgeting and accounting begins July 1 and ends the following June 30.

The department facilitates the budget process, which follows the procedures of the County Budgeting Law of 1957 (TCA 5-12-101 et seq.). The process supports the County Commission, Budget Committee, and County Executive in developing and approving the annual budget.

The department accounts for all county revenues and expenditures except those maintained by the Lawrence County School System. The county’s books are audited annually by the State Comptroller’s Office, Division of County Audit. The county utilizes the State Comptroller’s Uniform Chart of Accounts.

Contact Information

Accounts and Budgets
700 Mahr Avenue
Lawrenceburg, TN 38464

Phone: (931) 766-1581

Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday:
8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.