
Duties of the Department

  • Billing and collection of real property, personal property, and public utility taxes *Each year Property taxes are due and payable from the 1st Monday in October through the last day of February without penalty.*
  • Maintaining accurate records of property tax payments
  • Managing the total cash of the county
  • Investing idle cash funds
  • Handling all receipts and disbursements for the operating departments of general government, public education, and highways
  • Assisting qualifying elderly and disabled taxpayers in application and compliance with the State of Tennessee’s Tax Relief

Delinquent Personal Property Taxes

The Trustee’s office is responsible for the collection of real and personal property taxes for Lawrence County. Delinquent personal property taxes can now be paid through:

American Financial Credit Services – Toll Free 888-317-2327 ext. 3.

Mission Statement

“To provide respectful, courteous service, and strengthen our community by responsibly collecting and accounting for the public’s money and creating an atmosphere of pride through strong cooperative working relationships with other government offices and outstanding service to our citizens.”

The Lawrence County Trustee’s Office is committed to providing quality service at the lowest possible cost to taxpayers. You can count on outstanding customer service whether you pay your property taxes by mail, stop by our office or call us for information. Your satisfaction is important to us.

Goals and Objectives

To operate the Lawrence County Trustee’s Office in the most professional, efficient, and courteous manner possible.

Frequently Asked Questions


Eligibility requirements include: age/ disability; ownership/ residency; and income (except veterans and their eligible surviving spouses). To apply for property tax relief you must meet these three basic criteria – these are described below. Reimbursements for the property taxes of low-income homeowners who are elderly or disabled are provided by the state of Tennessee. The 2019 income level for the 2020 Tax Year is $30,700 Income does not apply to disabled veterans or their surviving spouses. Reimbursements are given on all or part of the local taxes paid on property which the taxpayer owns and uses as his/her residence. For the tax year 2020, the state amount is $197.00 and the county amount is $50 for a total of $247.00 in tax relief for qualified applicants. The deadline to apply for tax relief will be April 5, 2021.
During the tax year for which they are applying, an applicant must turn 65 on or before December 31. In order to apply as a disabled homeowner, a person must have become disabled on or before December 31 of the year An applicant may apply if they are awaiting a decision on their disability claim. The state office must receive the final decision by June 30 following the delinquency date. The final decision must indicate their disability began on or before December 31 of the tax year.
An applicant must be able to document that they had ownership of the taxable property during the tax year. Ownership may be documented by a tax bill/receipt, warranty deed, probated will, title or bill of sale for a mobile home.
The combined annual income from all sources of all the living owners of record is required and cannot exceed $31,600 for the year 2021. Annual income from all sources shall include, but is not limited to, Social Security payments after the Medicare deduction, supplemental security income, retirement and pension benefits, veteran’s benefits, worker’s compensation, unemployment compensation, salaries and wages, alimony, total interest and total dividends. For income from a business, include only the net income or loss after expenses.

Disabled veterans must be rated permanently and totally disabled on or before December 31, 2020.

For veterans who qualify, there is no income limit. Applications for tax relief are available in the Trustee’s office. For more information, call our office at (931)-766-4181.

Property Tax

For an individual property, there is no charge for reviewing tax information.
Any individual or company is allowed to review it. Property tax information is public record.

Reviewing Your Property Tax

The county assessor is responsible for the appraisal and assessment of property. You may contact the county assessor’s office at (931) 766-4179.
The county assessor is responsible for the appraisal and assessment of property, according to state law. The trustee’s office is responsible for billing and collection of taxes based on assessments. The trustee has no authority over the amount of assessment, nor can he be involved in the appraisal process.
Appointments can be made by contacting the assessor’s office. The appeal process begins in the county assessor’s office by appearing before the Local Board of Equalization. This board meets annually on the first Monday in June.

Property Assessment

The county assessor is responsible for the appraisal and assessment of property. You may contact the county assessor’s office at (931) 766-4179.
The county assessor is responsible for the appraisal and assessment of property, according to state law. The trustee’s office is responsible for billing and collection of taxes based on assessments. The trustee has no authority over the amount of assessment, nor can he be involved in the appraisal process.
Appointments can be made by contacting the assessor’s office. The appeal process begins in the county assessor’s office by appearing before the Local Board of Equalization. This board meets annually on the first Monday in June.

Tax Sale Information

An auction of parcels of property that have delinquent taxes.
Tax Sale every two years. Contact The Clerk & Master’s Office @ (931) 766-4182.
Local newspapers / The Lawrence County Advocate or The Democrat Union.
The auction list is published twice. First publication 3 weeks prior to sale. Second publication 1 week prior to sale.
You must be present to bid. Registration will begin 30 minutes prior to sale.
No, you can’t register by mail.
Either cash, money order, or check is required at the time of the sale.
This is an open public auction.
Yes, subject to Court Order approving sale.
All liens are cleared after the 1-year redemption period and delivery of a Clerk & Master Deed.
The new owner cannot take possession of the property until one year from the date the confirmation of sale is filed.
There is an annual interest rate of 10 percent earned on the property during the redemption period.
No. The county does not assist with foreclosures.
Will it be a deed or a certificate of lien? You will receive a receipt showing the amount you paid. At the end of the redemption period, the county will issue a deed.
The available properties are published twice before sale. First publication 3 weeks prior to sale. Second publication 1 week prior to sale.
Listing of properties not available for mailing. They may be inspected in person in the Clerk & Master’s Office.
Surplus Property Listings are available at The County Executive’s Office.
Surplus Property Listings are available at The County Executive’s Office.


Units used to measure the size of a property. Taxes are based on the calculated acres.

The fair market value of your property

A percentage of the appraised value used to calculate tax payments.

  • Residential and farms- 25% of the appraised value
  • Personal Property- 30% of the appraised value
  • Commercial Property-40% of the appraised value

The number assigned to the incorporated cities within the county.

  • 401-Lawrenceburg
  • 431-Loretto
  • 706-St. Joseph

Identifies the use of the property (i.e., residential, commercial, farm, agriculture, personal property, industrial). Farm identifies 14 acres or less OR 15 acres or more that is not in the greenbelt (discounted value) program. Agriculture is 15 acres or more in the greenbelt program.

The number assigned to the County

DI (District):
The county is divided into 20 civil districts. This identifies the district where the property is located.

Identifies the Property Assessor’s map number. Group: The letter assigned to a group of parcels on a certain map.

Ctl Map:
The controlling map number used to identify the property. Parcel: The number assigned to each parcel of land (within the group number).

S/I(Special Interest):
This applies to property that has separate assessments. (i.e., the city limits may divide a parcel; a commercial business located within a residential property; multiple personal property assessments located on one parcel of property).

EQ Factor – Equalization Factor:
The ratio between the market value and the appraised value on record in the Assessor’s Office. This ratio is applied to personal property taxes when the ratio is below 90%.

The Agricultural, Forest and Open Space Land Act of 1976, known as the Greenbelt Law, allows certain land to be taxed based on its present use instead of the market value. Two or more separate tracts under the same owner may qualify if one is at least 15 acres and none is less than 10 acres, and if all are part of a farm. To qualify for greenbelt, farm property must produce an average annual gross farm income of at least $1,500. For more information, contact the property assessor’s office.

Property Address:
The physical address of a property.

Receipt No:
A unique number identifying a single tax bill.

Rollback Taxes:
When greenbelt property is disqualified for any reason, the owner is liable for a rollback assessment, which means a repayment of the taxes saved while the land was classified as greenbelt

Rollback Yrs. (Years):
The years the rollback tax is assessed. The rollback period is three years for agriculture and forestland, five years for open space land and ten years for land under the open space easement.

SSD (Special School District):
Represents special school districts in the County.

Subdivision Name BLK Lot:
This information identifies the property as filed in the plat in the Register of Deed’s Office.

Subdivision Name:
Name of the subdivision on the plat.

  • BLK – Block number
  • Lot – Lot number(s)

Tax Rate per $100 of Assessment:
The ratio of dollars of tax per $100 of assessed value. The County Legislative Body sets the tax rate annually. This rate is applied per $100 of the assessed value. (Assessed value divided by 100 x tax rate = amount of property tax)

Tax Yr. (Year):
The calendar year for which the taxes have been assessed.

Total Due:
The total amount of the current year’s tax owed by property owner.

Kiley Weathers

Contact Information

Kiley Weathers, Trustee
200 West Gaines, Suite 101
Lawrenceburg, TN 38464

Phone: (931) 766-4181

Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday:
8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.