Newest list of delinquent taxpayers posted
Link Overdue tax payments have increased with the publication of 2019-21 delinquent taxpayers’ names on social media – Lawrence County Government’s website and Facebook page.
Link Overdue tax payments have increased with the publication of 2019-21 delinquent taxpayers’ names on social media – Lawrence County Government’s website and Facebook page.
Meetings of the Lawrence County Commission’s Solid Waste and Work Place Safety Committees have been set. Solid Waste will meet Monday, October 17th at 5:00pm in the second-floor
The Lawrence County Commission’s Purchasing Committee will meet Thursday, Oct. 13th at 3:00pm in the second-floor conference room of the County Administrative Building.The public is welcome to
Lawrence County received a commendation from the Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury recognizing “its timely adoption of a balanced budget for fiscal year beginning July
County Executive David Morgan and eight new County Commissioners, all elected to their first four-year term August 4, will participate in their first full Commission
The Middle Tennessee District Fair (MTDF) gets underway on September 23 and continues through October 1, the first nine-day event in the Fair’s history. The
Overdue tax payments have increased with the publication of delinquent taxpayers’ names on social media – Lawrence County Government’s website and Facebook page. Prior to
The Lawrence County Commission’s Purchasing meeting will be Wednesday, August 10th at 10am. The meeting will be held in the conference room at the Lawrence
The Board of Commissioners of Lawrence County, Tennessee will meet in Regular Session on Tuesday, July 26, 2022 at 5 p.m. in the Commission Room